
Did man "create" God ???


Yes, Man created "God" ; but it was too BIG to fit into One Religion !

Penchalaiah wrote:

my way of thinking is that man is the god.....


amrita1 wrote:

          Just now i read the discussion between Skandji & Ajayji & thought that it is a good topic for discussion!

      To start with ,i would request Skandji to reexplain his opinion about this topic!

        Others are also welcome to express themselves freely!


Service to mankind is service to "god".



Balachandar wrote:
sonic99 wrote:

Man realised (or) discovered God at some point of time in mankind's history.

Then, man created religions!

 This may sound more acceptable to people than Skand's original view.

 Possibly, because outright negating existence of god is too much social pressure for many to handle. It needs courage of conviction to face the majority which some times is so upset with your views that it even becomes violent.


Man created God (Ishvara or Yaweh)


Man is always self-centered. We once believed that the everything revolved around the Earth before until Gallileo proved that we revolve around the Sun. If Man did create God, then how do you explain, Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, who have lived here not too long ago. Vivekananda, the student of Ramakrishna, doubted every single thing that Ramakrishna said. Finally, after HE himself had experienced god, he finally agreed to become his disciple after 2 or 3 YEARS. When this has happened not too long ago, in the late 1800s to 1900s, how can we say man created God? Saying this is just proving our nature to be self-centered and believe that "Man created everything." We are but a speck in the magnificent universe. 


Let us not call our ancestors self centred merely because once they believed everything revolved around earth. Had some scientists not studied motion of planets, stars, we may still be thinking the same.

Who said "Man created everything"? Why indulge in inaccurate statements? To create public support? If you really wish to have a discussion, then remain accurate in what you say and have the patience to hear the other side.

Based on my observations, I wish to say one more thing. If you want to be a public figure, it is better not to let others know you doubt god's existence. People will reject you immediately. After thousands of years of brain washing by god-men, if you openly challenge god's existence, you will be considered a weirdo, not a good person or downright evil by most of general public. You may be an honest, upright, wise, considerate, helpful person, but once you say you doubt if god exists, most of the public will stop listening to you.

Vivekanand and many other great men had a far more important message to give to the world than to argue about god's existence. It would have been a waste of time and energy if they allowed themselves to be tied down to this argument. Instead of spreading the message of brotherhood, they would have been fighting petty battles like this. Public figures  understand the psychology of mankind very well. They pick their battles wisely.


If man created, God Who created man?tongue.png