
Hi, my name is Rami Zidan BinYakhlaf

I’m from Libya, I live in Tripoli

I’m 24 years old

I graduated from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, in the field of communications at the University of Tripoli. I presented my graduation project on 28/4/2019 and it was the most beautiful day of my life.

In chess I am not classified and I like the game,  play for fun only,

I like watching blitz games in chess.com for GM Hikaru Nakamura, GM Firouzja Alireza, GM Daniel Naroditsky, GM Ian Nepomniachtchi, GM Jan Duda, and GM Salem AR Saleh

Mostly I play the Queen's Pawn Opening: London System also Levitsky Attack,  or  Trompowsky Attack
I defend by slav or caro-can defense.

I welcome everyone;

Email Address: R.Yaklaf@uot.edu.ly

