
Things I know about you:

1. You are human

2. You play chess

4. You realised you skipped number 3 so you reacted

5. Now repeat after me: Blue, green. Now what colour is the grass?

7. You said green- But I said Repeat after me!😝

8. You eat food

9. https://i.pinimg.com/564x/dc/37/59/dc375961e7b96ac130f2fafdb0f57638.jpg

10. Now copy this then see who falls for it

Jokes you can tell your friends to make them laugh:


You: Knock, knock

Friend: Who's there?

You: Ketchup

Friend: Ketchup who?

You: Ketchup with you later!


You: Knock, knock

Friend: Who's there?

You: Egg

Friend: Egg who?

You: Egg-celent job!