Excuses for my actions: (a note to all who post messages on my wall about how awful I am) At least I don't use that cheating option where you can pre-move in bullet chess. That shit is disgusting. Yes, I will try to win on time even if you've completely crushed me, because everyone else does too. . . if I were the only honourable player out there, I'd have a crap rating and never get to play against people of my own caliber. Bullet Chess is totally dishonorable in it's entire essence. Also, I play on an iPad, which has a distinct disadvantage compared to players on a computer. For one, I can't hover and release pieces over the square they're going to go to, and two; the view of the board gets blocked by my hands when I'm moving, which makes it very hard to win in a tight endgame. There. Eat my face.