
Palestine is the flower amid thorns, many enemies trying to destroy, especially the sons of Zion to establish their alleged state.

We are masters not slaves and we are who every day a martyr is born of us .

Palestine will remain as long as the cry of a free revolutionist I am Palestinian.

If you know that you are going to die without attention you are Palestinian.

If history named me a Palestinian , who on earth that he dares to challenge me.

We will live flying hawks and birds, and we will be proud lions, and we are all here for the homeland, and we are all Palestinians.

From north to south palestine is in all hearts.

We carried the olive branch not to drop the gun, we carried the olive branch to return to the land of Zaytouna its identity, let all those to know that the revolution will remain a beacon of the cause.

Palestine is my revolution, imprison is my school, my stones is my hobby, and I am the son of Palestine will not bow down.

They count us as a thorn if they trample upon them, it will break,  but we are a bomb if they stepped on it, it will explode.

I imagined that grief could be a friend but I did not imagine that grief could be a homeland for us to live, speak its language and carry its nationality.

My country has taught me that the blood of the martyrs is what draws the borders of the homeland.

All people have a home to live in, but we have a homeland that lives in us.

If the time is against me I’m a Palestinian I love the challenge.

I love your land, Palestine, I will remain Palestinian and I will not regret and Palestine remains my heart and Allah knows.

Sorry, Paris, Palestine has become the capital of perfumes, the smell of the blood of its martyrs better than the perfumes of the whole world.

The most beautiful thing to be born a lover .. The most beautiful love to love a homeland .. The most beautiful homeland is Palestine.

When I speak about  Palestine, I speak about a world, a paradise, a beautiful homeland, and a love that never dies.