The Chess Learning Community

회원 13명
2023. 9. 15.
0 플레이한 이벤트

Welcome all to the official club of The Chess Learning Community!
️This team accepts all types of chess players, no matter if you are new to playing chess, or you are experienced.

Mostly there are rating restrictions to be fair to other players.
I send everyone team messages so you can be prepared for new tournaments
Are there team battles? Yes, but only few!
Are tournaments rated? Yes, only with tournaments with rating restrictions so it is easier for everyone!

Team Leader/Supervisor: @AlphaAquaChess
Team Moderators: @AlphaAquaChess@HunterRJH">,@HunterRJH


New Lichess team:


  1. You will get kicked out of the team if you use inappropriate language!
  2. Forums are open! Off topic discussions are accepted.
  3. Current tournaments will be displayed here.


Thank you for joining.


Leader of Chess Learning Community