Kasparov says that Fischer did not play against Karpov because Fischer's chess play and style was already old. In 1984, Kasparov played the final of the candidates against a certain Smyslov who was 63 years old. Smyslov's chess were less old than Fischer's? Not to mention the matches between Karpov and Korchnoi. And what about Mihail Tal? From July 1972 to April 1973 he played a record 86 consecutive games without a loss (47 wins and 39 draws). Between 23 October 1973 and October 1974, Tal played 95 consecutive games without a loss (46 wind and 49 draws), shattering his previous record. These are the two longest unbeaten streaks in MODERN(!) chess history.The fact is one. Fischer, by his own admission, after becoming world champion could not bear to lose even one game against Karpov. There is not old chess and new or modern chess. There is only chess.