Platinum Member

I am Atharva.Vegaraju, who is 12 years old.

I love playing chess and I want to be a GM when I grow up.


Play fair no spamming and be nice in chat 

Things I like, 

I like playing chess, badminton, basketball and I like to watch TV (I think everyone likes that last thing)

I am in 6th grade/ group 8 in Netherlands.

About me 

I am from INDIA and so are my parents.

Now I would like to share my favorite chess quotes

One doesn't have to play well, it's enough to play better than your opponent

No one ever won a chess game by resigning

My goals for 2024

Rapid: 1800

blitz: 1500

bullet: 1400

daily: 1350

puzzles: 2570

Right now I think I am well on my way to all 5 of those goals currently my rapid is 1500 my bullet is 1300 my daily is 1250 and my puzzles is 2400. happy.png I am very happy with my with my ratings so I am gonna try hard to make these goals work. Cause when I grow up I wanna be a chess GM.

Almost every GM at the age of 12 had probably hit 2000+ elo (FIDE) so I'm far back and I hope to improve quick!

Challenge me if you want to play!

I encourage everyone who wants to become something in chess to pursue their dreams like I'm trying to.

I hope you have an amazing day!

Best of luck If you are my opponent, I will try my best to crush you! So watch out!

Till next time, see ya!


