
At the start of 2008 I was cleaning my bookshelves because it became all a little bit too crowded. One of the books was an old library book, once given to me. I had started twice in this chess book, but stopped. I found it too boring. Besides my memories about chess were coloured by the sight of seeing those eggheads playing chess silently during lunchtime at our school ! Throwing away the book or giving it a third try was the question. Because I wanted to know the movement of the chess pieces as a sort of common knowledge, I decided on the latter. The result is instead of getting away with too many books, my library is now extended by multiple chess books! Talking about it with my family I found out that my beloved, late grandfather (who died when I was 7) had been a fanatical player, even being a member of a local chess club ! After some searching I found his old chessboard and pieces at my parent's house. Furthermore I got some friends excited who got back at playing chess, or even learned how to play. And thanks to a colleague I found this site….