Working on revising, enhancing Chernev books: 1933 Chess Strategy and Tactics 1937 Curious Chess Facts 1943 Chessboard Magic 1945 Invitation To Chess 1946 Winning Chess Traps 1947 Russians Play Chess 1948 Bright Side of Chess 1949 Fireside Book of Chess 1949 Winning Chess 1955 1000 Best Short Games of Chess 1957 Logical Chess 1960 Combinations - Heart of Chess 1961 Practical Chess Endings 1965 Most Instructive Games 1968 Chess Companion 1968 Chess in an Hour - Frank Marshall 1974 Wonders and Curiosities of Chess 1976 Golden Dozen - Twelve Great Chess Players 1978 Capablanca Endgames 1981 Compleat Draughts Player 1989 200 Brilliant Endgames