Diamond Member


I'm Nhat Nam. I was born in Vietnam and moved to Germany. I am 10 years old. My ELO is only 1471, but I learn very quickly. What I like most is flash.   I now live in Greifswald. I can speak English incredibly well. 😄I started playing chess when I was 8 years old. When I was nine I went to a club called Greifswalder SV. My trainer was really surprised that I learned so incredibly quickly. And so I became stronger and stronger. My first rating was 1278. My most successful tournament was the German Club Championship.German Club Championships u10 Our team - let's get started!" 2024-01-01 (RK) For the second time our club can take part in the German Club Championships u10. With our strong u10 team, which confidently won the MV state championship, we would be strong enough to play in the midfield. But unfortunately - the numbers 2 and 3 of our team, Aram and Thore, couldn't take part. Nhat Nam, Tim, Alex and the new Johannes played, who only recently switched from beginner training to Tuesday training. We traveled by train, the DB had its problems in Berlin but we arrived in Magdeburg just a few minutes late. Check in, grab some food, meet the supervisors and the first round began. We were placed at No. 37 in the starting rankings and therefore had little chance of beating the uniformly strong team from Dresden-Striesen. Only Nhat Nam was able to score a point. The second round also went like this. We were “drawn up” again, the opponent was Deizisau. Nhat Nam won again, the other boys had to bow to their stronger opponents. Our opponent in the third round, SG Porz, was also 15 places ahead of us in the starting rankings. The result was again the same. And Nhat Nam was starting to get scary with his winning streak... View into the huge tournament hall." Finally, in the 4th round we had an opponent in our “price range” with Tangerhütte. Nhat Nam won again "of course", Tim showed that in training we pay more attention to endgames than to openings and was able to easily prevail, Alex first benefited from a piece adjustment in an exciting game and then received a checkmate in the back row. First win! The victory meant that we once again caught a team from the bottom of the midfield. This time Nhat Nam had to kill his king. I'll say it in advance, that was his only defeat and his opponent was the only player who managed 7/7 points in the tournament! But Tim showed again that something was stuck when the boys were attacking pawn endings and Alex was lucky that his opponent lost the thread and he was able to outsmart him tactically. Johannes also had good chances, but had to bow to the obviously tougher competition of his opponent. After all, a 2-2 draw against USC Magdeburg. Evaluation - or also "complaining hour. :-)" Now we were in the tournament. Elmshorn was also beatable for us. But it wasn't quite enough. In addition to Nhat Nam's victory, only Alex was able to fight for a draw, although the endgame was winnable with more pawns for a long time. Tim was clearly doing better until he made a serious mistake. At least the opening preparation went well for Johannes. We narrowly lost 1.5:2.5. In the last round our opponent was the team with the unusual name "fuß brothers Jena". Nhat Nam won easily, Alex had no problems either. After conquering a quality, Tim stood for victory for a long time and until shortly before the end the resulting rook endgame was still within a draw. We practiced rook endgames less. That went wrong. With the 2:2 we were able to improve our seeding ranking and took 36th place. After an atmospheric award ceremony, the DB brought us home almost on time. Conclusion: The tournament was a real enrichment for us. The tournament organization on site was great. From booking the room to the tournament and the food, everything went great. Many thanks to the many volunteers who made such an experience possible for us! About the players: Nhat Nam was an absolute high-flyer. I knew that he was getting stronger and stronger, but the fact that he achieved a performance of 1700 is amazing! Tim, who would otherwise have played on board 4, was able to keep up well. 2/7 points doesn't sound too great, but he won in another two games, he just lacked the competitive toughness that can only be achieved by playing many tournaments. Alex also pleasantly surprised me. With 3.5/7 points on board 3 he showed that his skills have grown significantly. And Alex is only 8 years old and can play this AK for two more years! For Johannes it was his first real chess tournament with notes (apart from the LEM qualification with only 4 games). He even had a chance of winning in two games, but unfortunately it remained 0 points. It also applies to him that at the age of 8 he can play this AK for two more years. The competitive experience he gained here will certainly be valuable.