My story seems to be the same as many other players I've been privileged to play on I grew up in Norway and learned to play chess when I was about 3.I got hooked early and played for several hours every day. In fact, my parents had to hide the chess-books and board from me. Not that it mattered much, because I was able to play the games in my mind anyway. I was mostly playing older players and got to be pretty good. I remember several years when I did not loose a single match. For several personal reasons, I went cold turkey at the age of 14 and did not look at nor play a game until last summer when a friend of mine convinced me to play him. At that time it was almost 35 years since the last time I played. Being a researcher of the human brain, I'm find it fascinating that I'm able to recall games from more than 35 years ago and that I was able to regain some of the strength that I had back then. I would still have lost to the young me, but I may have been able to put up a fight...