(bio last updated Feb 13, 2025)
My other accounts:
Lichess: https://lichess.org/@/Qoiuoiuoiu
I'll add my other accounts some day ig.
I'm doing my best to stay in just a couple clubs but clearly I'm not doing a very good job
Join CVC!
(aka Chess.com vs Chesskid)
It's a great club with an all-star line-up for its staff! We've got @Caleb341 as owner, along with @Jared (who somehow makes time for CVC while simultaneously running like 50 other clubs)! We also have @TheAuthorOfChickens, who is probably the single person most active in forums (especially because of her inventive polls), and finally @F1-24, the most dedicated SA I've ever seen (not to mention he's been around since like 3 months after the club was created) to round out the SAs! (Oh and apparently I'm an SA now . I... uh... play VC)
Our Admin team is stacked as well - we've got @Scemer (when he's not running one of the hundreds of clubs he's SA in), @I3lunders, a very capable mod, @NoahDeAlwis, and @lilyana (aka @grrsicles). Finally, our Coords include @M-Y-S-T-I-C (who runs his own club Chess Temple), @KingOfBrilliancy, @LordWinter30 (who runs GE-Winter), @fishers4men (honestly I don't know much about him, but he's a nice guy), and @Iansicles, who is new to both chess.com and CVC staff, and yet somehow has accumulated more views in 6 months than I have in like 4 years.
We take pride in being an incredibly active club! We have a 100% activity rate and *nonstop* notes - you might even want to turn off your notes notifications! We are also a competitive Vote Chess club - we have hundreds of VC running right now. We even have a subsidiary club devoted to managing it - the CVC VC Powerhouse! We run daily matches as well for those who like playing on their own! We have an active forum with a bunch of fun games and posts, and as a large club (over 5000+ members!!) we get invited to A LOT of multiclub tournaments and events like that!
So, what are you waiting for - click the CVC banner above to go ahead and join! (as always, not a forcing link to join)
Full disclosure: I am a super admin at CVC but I promise none of the above is biased (well maybe a little bit lol). I joined kinda by accident, stayed because it was an active club, and can honestly say that it is the single best community on chess.com! Don't take my word for it - go join!
Also, join the United Chess Nations! I'm an admin there, and so is KOB! We boast over 8000 members along with some legendary names in our staff team! We are active in Vote Chess AND Daily Matches, and we have a strong community as well. I'd love to see you there! Click the link below to be taken to the homepage of the UCN.
Here's a dead club (The Blitz Empire) that you can join if you want : ). Honestly, I have no plans to revive it, but the owner, @EliteFire5 might come back. He's been inactive recently.
Speaking of @EliteFire5, check out his twitch channel!
View funnel for Caleb (jkjkjk)
Proud member of the CVC staff (I joined way back when CVC had 300 members)!
Joined Nov 12, promoted to coord Nov 13, promoted to admin Jan 3, demoted to coord Jan 10, demoted to member Jan 29, promoted back to coord May 5, demoted to member June 25. Re-promoted to coord on July 22! Promoted to admin November 27. Promoted to... Super Admin January 31. (!!!!)
finally i solved a @scemer daily puzzle
I won the first Hurt/Heal game
"I don't do a lot of public speaking, so I looked up a memorable quote to start my speech, and this is what I found. OK, you're staring at me blankly, but this whole thing is a quote. I know that sounds confusing, but... you know what, never mind." ~ XKCD #1942
(Any XKCD fans around here?)
My game showcase (mostly for personal use lol):
90% accuracy draw (in bullet) https://www.chess.com/analysis/game/live/127326627913?tab=review
Upset rapid win https://www.chess.com/analysis/game/live/91243764077?tab=review
Two brilliants in one game & found a M9: https://www.chess.com/analysis/game/daily/739333233 (excuse the 48% accuracy, I'm terrible at 960)
90% accuracy in 34 moves!!
The reason why my daily rating is so low:
(credit to @AstralKitty807)
I play protobowl for fun sometimes
List of Awesome Members:
Everyone but @deflection (jkjkjkjk)
P.S. I'm planning on posting a VC data blog. If you don't already know, I'm a stats nerd, and collect a ton of VC data focusing on the Top 16.
My Graveyard:
@TerminalNZ (Went dark in early 2024. One of the most active admins from the early days of CVC. He could still come back tho, here's hoping)
@BattleChessPlayer007 (Closed Feb 13. A good friend, you will be missed. Farewell Blog Link)