Online coaching available! Price-30$/hour
About me, I am Sargis Manukyan A. ,FIDE Master from Armenia. I work in any time zone, come improve your level in chess with me!
For more information contact with me:
✅ WhatsApp: +37477757750
The courses may be both with long-term and short-term programs. I am working any time zone, come here!
Teaching methodology
Perhaps the most important thing in chess is pattern recognition. This can only be developed by consistent practice. Therefore I will ask you many many questions and discusses how to bets approach the given position in my opinion.
I am teaching via Skype or Zoom.
Best skills
✅Thinking Process (This is available only to my students with long-term cooperation)
✅Strategy (Center and Centralization, Open and Semi-Open Files, Outposts...)
✅Tactics (Elements, Motifs, Combinations)
✅Endgames (Practical & Theoretical)
✅Attack (Preparation & Execution of the Attack)
✅Defense (Elimination, Counter-Attack, Positional Sacrifices...)
✅Positional Chess (Improving position of your pieces, Weakening of Opponents Position...)
✅Typical Structures (Plans and Ideas)
✅Psychology of Chess (How to approach the tournament, specific games or opponents...)