I love chess, computing, and my family. Above all, God comes first. People come before animals, but preservation of our ecology can't be ignored. Favorite quote comes from Albert Einstein. When asked why he couldn't remeber his phone number he said: "I don't clutter my mind with things that can be looked up." As a chess player I seem to think better and be more aggressive when I play as black.  When I play as white I seem to be much more conservative in my attacks and more eradic.  But when I am playing as black I am more thoughful and build up my position more solidly.  Probably my greatest weakness is using my pawns properly.  When as white I break away from book openings too early and usually lose pawns too easily to higher rated players. I especially love to play high rated players since that seems to be the best place for me to learn from my mistakes (which are all too often).  So I really look forward to playing you and making some new friends who love the game of chess like I do. God Bless ! Mark