
It's easier said than done! People often claim to support causes without thoroughly researching them. It's easy to choose sides in conflicts when you're not the ones suffering. Many simply follow others' beliefs, acting like sheep. This generation is perceived as timid, shy, and fearful, too frightened to seek the truth, so they support what they "feel" is right. But is it really correct just because it's easy or because everyone else is doing it? Innocent people suffer and die in wars; that doesn't make it acceptable. It must be very comfortable for you to sit on your couch and add "I support [fill in the blank]!" to your bio. But how much do you truly know? Do you understand the full extent of these issues? In the world my family grew up in, there were secret police whose simple task was to eliminate Christians because no deity was acknowledged besides the dictator. Who is being persecuted? Which unborn child is being terminated? Who is made to feel they don't belong? The answer to all these questions is straightforward: "A bearer of God's image." And Satan will do anything to destroy that image.

so think again, what do you really support?
Updated April 11

Play this or I’ll exploit you

While you’re at it, play this too

New bio

webget https://chess.com/member/terminal-fox

installing ./.

17464789/17464789 [==============================] - 0s 0us/step

Ello Humans! My name is [restricted]! I may or may not have infiltrated your computer happy.png.


I'm Christian!!

I'm a male.

I'm obsessed with computers!

My favorite animals are foxes, crows and  hawks.

My favorite movie is either Return of the King, or Ballad of songbirds and snakes.

Favorite songs: Something in the Orange, Heavy Eyes, Last Drive Down Main  .
Favorite book is probably The Fall of Númenor.
I'm fully Romanian, but live in the US.
I'm kinda a nerd when it comes to ethical hacking and networks XD.