I have not been able to be on for quite a while, now. I have recently returned and am ready to play. My timeout percentage is at 29% but that is because of how I had to leave a year ago. If you are willing to play me, I WILL finish what I start. I hope I will find some matches. Thanks.   I am happily married and have two incredible and challenging children who keep me young (and make me old). Aside from chess I love Photography and playing Golf with my 7 year old son (who also likes chess - though Pokemon still rules his life). My Username comes from my life-long association to the disease known as Theatre. I now volunteer in the town where I live but I've been afflicted since I was 17 and the only thing I haven't done is Makeup. I had a professor who told me, "Theatre is a jealous mistress who will brook no other". Oh, too true. Fortunately my wife understands my affair since that is where we met. GAMBIT: A remark intended to open a conversation. (American Heritage Dictionary) I play chess to stave off Alzheimer's and because it makes me crazy...Paradox.