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☆  1. You're reading this.

 ☆  2. You're a human

 ☆  3. You can't say the letter P without separating your lips.

 ☆  4. You've just attempted to do it.

 ☆  6. You're laughing at yourself.

 ☆  7. You have a smile on your face and you skipped number 5.

 ☆  8. You just checked to see if there was a number 5.

 ☆  9. You laughed at this because you fell for it and everyone else did too.

 ☆  10.Now copy and paste this to see who else falls for it too.

my favorite animer is dr.stone 

my friend :@Sara_202 ,@VOB96 , @Pawnsonglikedawn , @Cassian_Cashout , @Admiral_ChessBeard , @A_CyrusTheGreat_S , @NatashaPetrosova , @shelly_1234 , @Athena-C3 , @Fossil , @Julia-vt , @k_kawaii , @INTJ-T_10_753  , @xXx_Rawr_XxXx , @Julia-vt 

my best friend : @cards_and_chess , Monkey-D-Luffy-98  @unknownwolfboy
my poemes :      I've seen a thousand flowers bloom under the sky, Each one more beautiful, each one more faithful, But none of them compares to you, You who light up my nights with your sweet voice. Your eyes, like stars, shine in the night, Your smile is a ray that chases away boredom, And in your gaze I find my shelter, You are the exception, my tender infinity. Roses may bloom, tulips too, But none match the beauty of your spirit, For you, my love, are the ultimate flower, Elegance, grace, soul in color. And in the end, I wait for you patiently, Like a flower that blooms in innocence, I wait a thousand hours, a thousand days, if necessary, Your answer, my love, like a soft echo