{{ loves - my Tonk cat Conan b Mar08, Philosophy, Bush walking {{ work - PC Support 24/7 - {{ thoughts - Babylon5, Ally McBeel, Star Trek, LDS, JAG, {{ Inspiration - compassionate and courageous people {{ current projects - learning Web development, Java, HCI, chess, {{ pet hate - MS for pushing Vista and withdrawing WinXP - I have yet to find anyone who gains from using Vista, no doubt they exist but I haven't found any {{ why chess - keeping an active mind, its romance, etc etc {{ activity - PC KChess daily - PC on -3 strength {{ favourite opening - e4, Guico Piano {{ my history - playing at novice level for 50 years novice ~!@#$ {{ my weakness - moving before "seeing" the next move {{ my inspiration - video "Searching for Bobby Fisher" *****