
My father taught me chess.

Now I just play for fun.

My favorite chess book, despite often cited as having "errors": MCO 14.



As of late August, 2017, I am no longer actively accepting games or playing on There have been too many unresolved issues since deployment of version 3. While I understand "growing pains," and have asked for clarification, provided critique and feedback, the technical issues brought to attention and left unresolved, often altogether ignored (going without affirmative response) show a growing trend in changing management attitudes and perspectives that I formally disagree with. (Instead of being about Chess, has become more about being a commercial outfit; making excuses for problems and issues, or ignoring them altogether. Being a paid member has no further benefits; not based on my initial reasons for signing-up; all of those features are now free; paying to be ignored is no fun.) For these reasons, I have discontinued my paid membership (and, thus support).


If you share my observations, I would encourage you to do the same. (There are other chess websites and applications which have better handling of observed problems and issues on a technical basis.)


If you don't have my experience: Enjoy!

Chess should be fun, if not a challenge!

Challenge yourself and enjoy the game.