Diamond Member

Hello all,

My Chess Romance!


I am just starting on my chess adventure.. I love the learning, the stratergy and the never ending persuit of mastership.

I am 40 years old when I write this, I wish I was 3 when I found this game as I have only found it seriously in the past sub 12 months.

It is the first thing I do in the morning , it is the last thing I do before I sleep.

This is not a game I am rushing & will enjoy it my entire life.

I feel at this point I am addicted to the learing of chess and I am greatful for this fantastic game of kings.

I play every day when I am well, sick, tired or have lack of time.

I am watching  the top people /icons of chess and am continuously inspired by all that play.

I feel it like it is my first date, I am nervous and ready to learn and impress.

I am inspired!!!!

I set up my board and play it online.

Thank you for being apart of my adventure!