Really boring chess addict (yes, don't have to be brilliant at it to be addicted..........) Just enjoy the game - why are some people so blinkin cocky when they win and others so bloomin rude when they lose?!?!?!?!? Getting a bit fed up of the really bad losers on this site who become nasty just cos they are faceless and feel the need to post something horrible and childish on your profile, which inevitably makes me angry and retaliate! And stop with the "man". I am a woman-yes we can play chess too! To all the arseholes who try to upset me, grow up or f off and die!!! You are not needed in our society! Repeat is one of them...... Typical arrogant canadian asshole!! And pooch53218. What a nasty little sh*t! This person obviously has no life or personality and has to resort to calling women on here a whore just cos I didnt take his nastiness and gave it back! Whats wrong with people that they have to be so nasty for absolutely no reason?!?! Karma is a great thing though! I am a very peaceful and spiritual person when left alone but some dicks on here would try the patience of a saint! I do not mean everyone, naturally, so if you are a decent parsnip, please understand my frustration here and say hello! Prove there are some nice people frequenting this site! X Run for your lives - Jellyfish are taking over the world!