Another Event To Earn A ⭐ Membership!
© Universal Chess Team

Another Event To Earn A ⭐ Membership!

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Hello UCTians!

We are here with another amazing event for you to get a chance to earn a membership! In this event, the member who is the most active in the club will receive the membership prize

Here are some ways by which you can prove that you are active in the club :

  1. Play in our daily matches, live tournaments and matches, and participate in our vote chess matches.
  2. Invite players or your friends to the club. If you want to use the invite option, you can ask me to make you an admin in the club. You can also send invites for the club through PM or chats (but you need to send me a screenshot of this message to me).
  3. You can always show your activity through the club notes, club chats and club forums. happy.png
  4. Make events for the club and also join them (making of multi-club arenas, daily tournaments etc.)! You can ask for admin position for this.
  5. Make leagues for the club or make live matches and live tournaments for the club (you can ask for co-ordinator position for this).
  6. And many more!

Prizes :

  1. A One Month gold.png Membership + Two chess e-📚 + Twenty trophies.png.
  2. Two chess e-📚 + Ten trophies.png.
  3. One chess e-📕 + Five trophies.png.

You can start this from today! This event will be of one month.

Hope you will participate, enjoy and win prizes!
Thank You!!

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