New DUNE Intro Description For New Members
The news image was from a vocaloid song called News 39. I used this as the picture because this is club "News" and just like the song, we are optimistic :)

New DUNE Intro Description For New Members

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DUNE club description was updated to deter new accounts more prone to cheating, but we still make this club accessible for new accounts. This is the new description new members will see for this club before they get accepted:

Our objective is not to take the #1 top place, but to have FUN playing as a team. Maybe we'll have some good games! 😊 Team DUNE is primarily centered around playing vote chess and learning from each other in a friendly atmosphere. We want members newer to chess as well as the more experienced players; we seek fellow players wanting to learn and improve more than winning. Before being accepted into team DUNE, we ask that you have an active account for at least a year. We implement this so that we may deter cheaters with new accounts from joining, but you might still be accepted if you don’t want to wait a full year to join. Our current club SAs are @KeSetoKaiba and @Arrakis09. If you want to join team DUNE before the one year criterion has passed, then send a message to @KeSetoKaiba and if they do not respond within a week, then message @Arrakis09 (but messaging @KeSetoKaiba is best as the response typically comes as soon as possible). Good luck and have fun 😊

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