Pedro Damiano

Pedro Damiano was a Portuguese chess player and author. He authored Questo libro e da imparare giocare a scachi et de li partiti, which was published in 1512 and encompasses chess rules, strategies, problems, and openings. Despite pointing out how 2...f6 is inferior after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3, it came to be known as Damiano Defense.
Damiano was a pharmacist by profession. The popular chess aphorism, “If you see a good move, try to find a better one,” can be found in his book. His name is also linked to the well-known "Damiano Checkmate," which is covered in a video lesson here.
Best Game
Most Played Openings
Players | Result | Moves | Year |
Pedro Damiano
1-0 | 13 | 1512 |
Pedro Damiano
1-0 | 14 | 1497 |