On Her Majesty's Secret Service - HMSS vs Dragonball Chess Club

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Long ago we missed the 90th anniversary of the birth of Ronnie Corbett, who died in 2016. A comedy icon, he began his career in the 50s with variety stage performances, particularly with some fame supporting Danny La Rue, where he was spotted as having TV potential, and started in The Frost Report 1966 appearing with John Cleese & Ronnie Barker, which turned into gold particularly his much-loved partnership with the latter and through their chemistry the comic genius of The Two Ronnies 1973-86. He made occasional appearances in films and for our purpose was Polo in spoof Bond Casino Royale 1967, though also in No Sex Please, We’re British 1973. He also had his own well-received comedy series as Timothy Lumsden in Sorry ! 1981-88, but although diminutive his voice and presence in so many variety and entertainment shows was always a pleasure to audiences and his story-telling a joy. He may have been in his own words “not big enough to play James Bond, and not small enough to be adopted by Madonna,” but he was a giant of comedy and entertainment, traditionally under-appreciated not least with just a CBE as he should have been knighted. The proof is the universal respect and admiration he received from all comedians of every generation. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland & educated at James Gillespie’s Boys School & the Royal High School, his first job was in the Ministry of Agriculture then in National Service with RAF, he was commissioned despite his height as a Pilot Officer, later on RAF reserve promoted to Flying Officer. In 2002 received an honorary degree Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh. He lived with his wife of 49 years and family in Addington, Croydon, South London 1970-2003, then moved to nearby Shirley until he passed there & also had a home in Gullane, East Lothian. Massive golf fan and did a documentary at Gleneagles with Colin Montgomerie; also cricket fan & member of Lord’s Taverners; also in football supported Crystal Palace and Heart of Midlothian. We believe he is more than worthy of a match in his honour and hope you accept. If the numbers or ratings do not suit, then please make contact.
Estatísticas do clube
On Her Majesty's Secret  Service - HMSS
On Her Majesty's Secret Service - HMSS
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Dragonball Chess Club
Dragonball Chess Club
  • Em andamento:
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