WORLD PATRIOTS against Genocide

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in 25-26 February 1992, Armenian armed forces with the support to the infantry guards regiment No. 366 of the former Soviet Union committed an unprecedented massacre against the Azerbaijani population in the town of Khojaly situated in the Mountainous Karabakh, a region of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Invaders with particularly brutality implemented carnage over its peaceful population, killing the people with especial cruelty, by burning alive, scalping, beheading, gouging out of eyes, cutting their ears. Armenians did not spare even dead bodies. They were scalped and humiliated. According to official reports total of 613 people were killed, 1000 peaceful people were maimed by bullet wounds..... 25 years have passed since Khojaly genocide, a bloody tragedy kept forever in Azerbaijani people’s memory. team WORLD PATRIOTS praying for killed Azerbaycan people.
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Justice For KHOJALY
Justice For KHOJALY
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