Go social dancing!

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Learning a new move in a class is great, but it’s not a real test of your abilities.  Your partner was just shown the same moves… so even if you lead or follow horribly you’ll still come out looking alright. Thus, to truly learn and improve there is nothing that compares to social dancing. Make sure to go out to your local Latin dance club at least once a week. Heck, go as many times a week as you can! After all, you’re not partying… you’re training! When you go out, be sure to dance with as many people as possible! And suck up the courage to ask people who are better than you to dance as well. This will help you to properly lead or follow, to really feel the music, and to begin to improvise— all of the key elements to being a good dancer.
Estatísticas do clube
Salsa dance
Salsa dance
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Starfleet Academy
Starfleet Academy
  • Em andamento:
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  • Rating médio:
  • Classificação de hoje: