
   💀😁yeah. and have a great summer yall ! happy.png  i also appreciate when people give me badges/awards, i usually put them in my showcase but if i don't just know, you were not unnoticed grin.png   get to know me better lol 

my clubs : 😄😄 

send me a note

 HEY It's me 😂😎 this is my bio read for more info.  I AM NOT AWAKE THROUGH 10PM TO 7AM  and half the time i don't even know what's going on. i do online school so i'm usually online for most the day. but i don't know shiz about running a club.

 There is only one light yagami here.  HEY what's up? 😀 i'm open for friend requests

Send me messages i don't mind 🧐 i also except club requests !!  grin.png  I don't mind if you challenge me i usually accept. unless it's before a tournament.  read more

hey i'm glad you decided to read i'm working on my bio so i might update this later but i have been playing chess for 7 years, i wouldn't consider myself a pro yet. 🤔but i like playing chess so i decided to make this account, i probably will customize this all later but this was all i was willing to do at the moment. lets not even ask why i made this.

yes i'm a weeb. i'm a BIG nerd. 😔🥳  
