
Looking for a hobby so I picked chess to keep my mind active.  I am 60 and been playing chess for almost 2 year  just a hard game to learn how to get better.  Hope to get to a 1200 rating some day but i blunder to may pieces to stay there.  I enjoy the game and will play anyone.  Joined the USCF last January and I am around 900 to 1100 most of the time. If you are a USCF member and want to get online rating in new clubs  Join Bratz Chess or KT chess  and my favorite online USCF clubs are Rob's USCF tournaments Club and always great is USChess - Members Only. a few more, SFS Champs Preparatory Club and Waltham Chess Club - uscf rated & Jackalope USCF Club.

USChess 60 487 пользователей
Paul Morphy Rebels
Paul Morphy Rebels 310 пользователей
USChess - Members Only
USChess - Members Only 3 518 пользователей
ChessGoals 1 558 пользователей
Waltham Chess Club - Cash Prize
Waltham Chess Club - Cash Prize 159 пользователей