
2017-04-06: Ok, the goal I set back in 2014 has now been reached! It only took me 3 years. :-)

Mainly that has been because I chose to play on lichess.com, but now I'm back to try chess.com out again as a complement.

Here are my reflections on reaching Blitz  2000+, Bullet 1800+, Problem 2200+:

Problem 2200+: I have solved about 1000 problems and it has been very helpful to my overall strength. I don't benefit much from it in 3 minute or quicker chess, but my "split vision" has improved dramatically, helping me play more creative and attacking chess.

Blitz 2000+: I have mainly played 3 0 and the key to success has for me been to play quickly and stick to a solid repertoire. I am surprised by how many players throw out 10-15 passive moves in the opening and then seek to counterattack. My antidote has been playing as quickly as the opponent but strive to build a strong center - not expanding on any wing or center until I've really developed all my pieces to good squares. Often that has taken me to long games (+60 moves) but always with more space and often more time, as my opponents had to start thinking in cramped positions.

Bullet 1800+: I never focused on bullet chess - in my mind I only tried to play as in "superfast blitz 3 0".

No new targets set! Just play for fun!


2014-01-25: Today I bought a one-year diamond membership. Quite expensive for a one-year membership only for playing on an online server, but I'm willing to give it a try to see if/how my ratings will improve if I try to use the features of chess.com extensively.


Overall goal is to reach the following ratings:
Blitz live: 2000
Bullet live: 1800
Tactics: ? no idea, maybe 2200


Follow my progress below:


2014-01-25 starting point (first day of membership):

2014-02-28: 68 Bullet (), 67 Blitz, 546 Tactics played in February.