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My FIDE PROFILE: https://ratings.fide.com/profile/146111612

      Check and sub to my YT channel(for chess especially!):https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChw1QlLpG8R5H-SjjrSGrgQ

Go down for laffs!

Check my best game: My BEST GAME so far: (2 brilliants, 2 great moves, 15 best moves and 1 good move, 2 inaccuracies and a mistake): Click Here

What the heck! 10 great moves!? I just don't know!: Click Here


Check My (real rated) account, where its actually my rating, this account was made when i was blundering...MsVeganTeacher

And I know 11 things about you:

I know over 2 times more than you about me!

•1. You are reading this

•2. You just gave me +1 view

•3. You are a human

•4. You can't say the word Tiger without moving your lips

•6. You just attempted to do it

•7. You are laughing at yourself

•8. You have a smile on your face and you skipped number 5

•9. You check if there was a number 5

•10. You laugh at this because you fell for it

•11. Copy and look, who falls for it too!

The 17 Funniest Chess Pictures - Chess.com

meme cover



Chess Construct - PLAY LIKE A KING

Chess Construct Daily Games

Chess Construct Weekend Games

Chess Construct Weekend Games 4

Note: I will play daily games with people 1000<, except those I get paired with in daily tournaments. If you are, 14 days is fine with me.