heyo im a man of many interests and a man of many words yet when my attributes are combined you get a goof that stumbles as he walks along the side walk :D <br /> <br/ > anyways im into almost anything rock i like rap and the only kinds of songs i hate are blue grass country and country rock altho i listen to johny cash because he is the only good one <br /> <br /> as for shows i watch comedy any time of the day mostly that 70's show and scrubs i also enjoy a little bit of sports like football and soccer and tennis on tv as well soccer being the worst because watching sucks but playing is fun and i also like watching series like burn notice and the mentalist my favorite so far being fringe <br /> <br /> my movie choices are old chick flicks and the movies that make fun of them a little action like the marine, the old scary movies the new ones have to much gore and thats not scary just disgusting comedys are my favorite above all once again and i love the movie not another teen movie the best comedy above all else and i liked alot of the chick flicks they based it on too <br /> <br /> as for sports i play almost anything and yes CHESS IS A SPORT thats why i like this site but anyways i love soccer but cant play at all and i also play a lot of basketball and then everynow and then ill play football tennis and volleyball <br /> <br /> anything else you need to no is probably private and i wont tell you lolz so if youve got the guts the step right up and ask me a question who knows you might get lucky and get an answer