
Playing chess is a really good habit.  

I joined this site at the end of 2021 and I've been playing multiple games of chess with random users all around the world every single day since then, and I love it. 

I love the game's strategic nature, predicting moves that are one or two steps ahead, the counter attacks, and the general competitive nature of it.  

But chess is just a game.  I know it's serious and many people base their entire existence through it but I'm certainly not one of them.   I will give respect to those who study the classic openings and follow techniques about movement progression and end-game strategies, and because of that I'll tolerate the backlash of criticism I get from being so unpredictable and anti-institutional to the sport.  But I'm just not invested in maintaining a "winning" reputation in the global chess community.

On here there's a vast audience which is interesting because I'll never truly know who I am playing against.  Playing chess online has a lot of advantages, but playing against a program doesn't cut it for me because there's an emotional component that is directly tied to this game that both opponents should face.  Plus, having a conversation about a dramatic move that turns a game completely upside down is often amusing. 

In general, I'm open to having conversations, but whenever they go off topic I will always keep them respectable.