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I am Bulgarian. Аз съм българка.  

Some interesting facts:
-Bulgaria is the only country who never changed its name from the year of 681.
-Slavic alphabet was created by two Bulgarian brothers Cyril and Methodius.
-Bulgaria never lost a battle flag from its liberation, until today.
-The ancient Bulgarians invented the most precise calendar ever made. This calendar was based on Jupiter and the Sun and its way more accurate then the modern day western calendar we know.
-Bulgaria and Denmark are the only European country who saved it's Jews during WW2
-Bulgaria never had slaves in its history.
-The first air bomb in the history of warfare was invented by the Bulgarian army during the first Balkan war and it was used on the 16-th of October 1912
-Rayna Kasabova was the first women ever participating in an air force battle.
-The Bulgarian khan Tervel defeated the Arabs during the Siege of Constantinople in 717–718. Which saved Europe from the Arab invasion.
-Dan Kolov was a Bulgarian free wrestler champion who won 1497 matches with only 3 defeats from 1500 official matches against wrestlers from 5 continents.
-Also of Bulgarian origin are John Vincent Atanasoff, Mark Zuckerberg and many others.
-Do you know what Hall sensors? This is Bulgarian invention which can find application in all areas in which there is a magnetic field.

For example, when distortions in the structure of hemoglobin as a result of Ebola virus and HIV, or at robots for counter terrorism.

This is just one of the inventions received awards in this year's "Inventor of the Year", organized by the Patent Office and the Union of inventors.

And although the myth of the Bulgarian intelligence was broken, our country occupies only 14th place in the ranking of countries in IQ, no one can deny that many Bulgarian inventions have changed world history.

Here are the most important ones:


There is no way computing machine of John Atanasoff not occupy first place in the ranking of the greatest inventions, not just Bulgarian.

In March 1939, after receiving $ 650 from the University of Iowa, to realize his vision, John Atanasoff creates ABC (English Atanasoff-Berry Computer).

After a long dispute over patents American with Bulgarian origin is recognized as the father of the modern computer - without which our life today would be unthinkable.


This crucial part of the safety car today was created in the 50s of the 20th century. Its inventor says Asen Yordanov.

Bulgarian pilot involved in battles in the First World War, and in 1921 settled in the US, where he became a test pilot.

Once created one of the most reliable flight school in the United States, Yordanov is directed to automotive and security is one of the inventors of the airbag.

Beside her, Yordanov is the founder and the first transport aircraft, and the answering machine.

Birth control pills

Small pills that today protect women from unwanted pregnancy are the work of Carl Djerassi.

Jew of Bulgarian origin makes his discovery in 1951 along with Jorge Luis Miramontes and Rosencrantz.

And although contraceptive pills are made by the Bulgarian country only 4% of women receive them, according to data from 2006. In the Netherlands the percentage is 60.

The electronic clock

Pulsar - so called first prototype of the digital watch, created by Bulgarian engineer Peter Petrov.

Guardsman Boris III is considered one of the most prolific inventors of the 20th century. Works on the construction of power plants, participate in projects of NASA, construct own catamaran.

Created between 1968 and 1969, today the electronic clock adorns the wrist of almost every citizen of the world, and one of the first was exposed in the Smithsonian Institution.

Automatic transmission

This invention is now using all major automotive companies. Like the airbag, it changes not only the history of cars, but the entire world.

The automatic transmission is by Roumen Antonov. He creates in Paris, where he lives and works.

Originally invented the five-speed gearbox and subsequently six-speed.

Many famous is his contest with auto giant Toyota, which use the invention without a license and ultimately convicted of it.

Bonus today: SkimProt.

As already mentioned, Bulgarian inventors and today continue to follow the tradition to change the world with their work.

Last year a Bulgarian invention obtain American recognition - sticker that protects bank cards by skimming - SkimProt, it was voted the most innovative.

Do you know which Bulgarian was attended by the supported American presidents - Carter, Reagan and Bush?
He is not a politician.
In total, between Boeing, the airbag and the telephony secretary is the creator of equipment - Asen Yordanov.
His name is written in the Book of Beginners in New York, his portrait is in the Hall of Fame at New York's La Guardia Airport, and his belongings are in the Air Space Museum.
"Ninety of what our pilots know about aviation is due to Mr. Jordanoff," wrote prominent American aviation experts. The first person to set foot on the moon, Neil Armstrong, said he had learned from Yordanov's textbooks.
Asen Hristov Yordanov was born in 1896, and in 1915 the first Bulgarian Express aircraft was created. The date August 10, 1915 is considered to be the beginning of the Bulgarian aircraft construction.
After the Neuilly Treaty, Bulgaria is forbidden to have its own aviation, which puts an end to Asen Yordanov's dreams for development in Bulgaria.
In 1921, the American Effective Club announced a competition to travel around the world by plane. A prize of one million dollars has been announced for the winners.
Bulgarian candidates Asen Yordanov and Gavril Stoyanov are also candidates. With financial help from the Bulgarian government and the approval of Prime Minister Alexander Stamboliiski, the two Bulgarians arrived in the United States, but the competition was not held because other countries were not participating. With the permission of the government of Assen Yordanov, he remained in the United States.
Every beginning is difficult and Yordanov deals with different things, but after the time he immersed himself in the non-professional bureau of the factory "Kaptic", and later became a test pilot. Over time, he was appointed chief contractor of the factories. Continues to study and complete aero engineering, chemistry, physics and radio engineering.
In 1941, Acen Jordanov founded his own company, whose activity was used by the military defense of the United States and was very important. Its popularity is aviation school, which opens an aviation school, which turns into the most authoritative school, which prepares for the school. He designed several different models of Boeing aircraft, the pride of American aeronautical engineering.
During the war, Yordanov was forced to work in the field of aviation and move to new areas. In the 50s of the last century, Jordanov has been working on car safety and is one of the creators of the airbag. Jopdafon, the progenitor of today's telephone network, also works. On October 19, 1967, the world news agencies in the country reported:
There is Asen Jordanov Boulevard in his name in Sofia - on the way to the airport.
The lawyers of Sofia University, Bulgaria are first in Europe and third in the world in international law competitions.
The Bulgarian from Blagoevgrad Daniela Simidchieva is the most intelligent woman in the world. It holds the record for the highest score - 192 out of a total of 200 points on the intelligence test of the international organization MENSA. Even Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking have a lower score with 162 points each and Einstein with 160.
According to Daniela, high intelligence is genetically embedded.
Daniela Simidchieva: "IQ is born and you die with it, you can change it within 4-5 points within your life, but emotional intelligence is something that depends entirely on us, the ability to realize ourselves in society, to be adequate in our relationships with people, to be better.”

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy.