Telepost Chess Club

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Welcome To Telepost Chess Club.We meet on Monday evenings at The Telepost Club, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury where we are fortunate to have the use of a pleasant clubhouse with a licensed bar. New members are always welcome of whatever standard, from beginner to experienced player. We currently have twenty or so members and we run four teams in the Shropshire Chess League, with opportunities to play friendly social chess, to compete in various club and county competitions, or just to watch and enjoy some interesting games.The league season runs from September to April. In the summer months it pays to check that someone is going to turn up on the club night - occasionally holidays and sunshine attractions leave us with an empty clubhouse. No need to join right away; you would be welcome to attend as our guest.  The club welcomes newcomers. By all means come along and try us for size on a no obligation basis as a guest of the club.  It can take several weeks to discover whether the club suits your needs and it takes time to become familiar with the other members and the way we do things.  Only after you are satisfied that you would like to join our happy band would you be asked to subscribe as a member. Attendance on club nights can fluctuate quite wildly depending on what is happening, so do not be put off if there are very few people there on the first night you attend. Some serious games are conducted largely in silence and other friendly, casual games may well involve some banter.  If people are quiet when you first attend, do not assume we are an unfriendly bunch!  On club nights and before or after matches people will be happy to chat and maybe prop up the bar. Abbey ForegateShrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6BTwww.telepostchessclub.orgContact Email: