
Is there good people online?


Hello. My name is Anne, but I like Annie. There are good people online but do not trast anyone. If there say "Hello, how are you?" Then say "good thank you" or " I fell off. Thank you for asking." Say nice things to them, and there, might say nice things to you. If same one want to know your last name, then do not say your last name. Do not lie how ever you are talking to. If same one says a bad word, then say "I don't like rude words thank you every much!" To tell you why I'm doing this is because I have meet lovey people online a evil online players. So, be nice, and people might be nice to you. Thank you for reading this. Bye.


Hi little sis. And McLachlan Is right! There are people out there that do say rude words.

MidnightExpress1 wrote:

of demons and angels toots, the dark and the light, you find them everywhere

ANgels and deMONs, yes...