
Aquarium 2014 out, impossible to download


These guys have no clue how to sell software. A labyrinth to find the software you want, then click on hundred buttons like an animal to buy it ...

... and then it doesn't download. Errors out. After a dozen tries, wait for it, the link expires!

Then you have to email them for another link. They don't answer. You wait.

Waiting ...

I'm mad as hell.

Oh, there's a skype link in support pages. How did I miss that? Me happy now!!!!

Add contact.

"Contact Pending."



Nobody there.




They don't have a clue on how to run a secure server, either. I ran an SSL Labs check of their secure server (https://chessokdotcom), and here is the result:

A big, fat "F" due to supporting the insecure SSL 2 protocol. Surprised

They might have the best of intentions, but would I buy from that site? No way, José!