
Post Your Chess Sets


1959 plastic figurine set, called "Renaissance Chessmen". $2.00 from some grandma's attic at a yard sale last year.


Maybe we should start a new thread, like post your pics of chess sets you've MADE, or chess boards, tables, that you've BUILT. This is a $7.00 table from a thrift store, I spent about $60 over 6 weeks laying all this out by hand, and it is a really nice, heavily used table in my tiny living room. 


This is a little guy someone gave to me, it looked rather sundamaged, like maybe it had been wet or outside. So after some sanding and glossing, & re-doing the whole box inside & out, I brought him back to life.


1930's Milton Bradley with printed instructions inside the box. $3.00 at the auction place across the street.


One of my regulars at the club is a doctor, and he said he paid 10 bucks for this in Tiujuana during his 'early, wild years'...



nice, checkhappens.

I made all these chessmen back when I was casting resin but the more creative I get the less they are for play.

I copied an imcomplete porcelain set to make this complete set.

And here is a design similar to the Lewis Chessmen from store-bought molds. I didn't finish a whole set of these.

Makruk from seashells and a knight I carved by hand (not terribly well.) Actually this is my most conversative set. If you Google what a makruk set is supposed to look like you'll see these pieces are quite recognizable, just with Western piece heights... like this Cambodian set:

My most ambitious set, also from seashells, and far too creative for play. I'd like to think the pieces are all recognizable, but I know they take at least a minute to figure out and would not be practical by any means.


also before someone else does it:

These people are chess sets.

checkhappens wrote:

Maybe we should start a new thread, like post your pics of chess sets you've MADE, or chess boards, tables, that you've BUILT. This is a $7.00 table from a thrift store, I spent about $60 over 6 weeks laying all this out by hand, and it is a really nice, heavily used table in my tiny living room. 



Very nice! What did you put on the wood to get it to mirror shine like that?


This chess set was free and I like its quality very much.



very fun chessmates....thanks. checkhappens, really nice work. hey is that Bill Bryson work on the bookshelf behind the chessboard/set, titled "A Walk in the Woods" ?  very fun writer   mighty fine description of the Appalachian Trail experience if it is ?

Jascias wrote:
checkhappens wrote:

Maybe we should start a new thread, like post your pics of chess sets you've MADE, or chess boards, tables, that you've BUILT. This is a $7.00 table from a thrift store, I spent about $60 over 6 weeks laying all this out by hand, and it is a really nice, heavily used table in my tiny living room. 



Very nice! What did you put on the wood to get it to mirror shine like that?

What you need is something called "SUPER high gloss" or some such product. It claims to be equal to 60 coats of polyeurethane, but that is misleading. For something so thick and hard, go ask the hardware guy for a kit of whats called "epoxy, resin, and hardener". They'll know what you mean, this stuff is dangerous. 6 minutes to mix it, it generates some real HEAT, then about 30 minutes work time to spread it around. it dries for 3 days, auto levels, and you can breathe warmly onto the surface to make bubbles dissapate. stinky stuff, but it is knife proof, flame proof, and feels smooth as glass & hard as marble. i bleach-wipe the thing and its like new...


My club regular surprised me again, he claims he has 20 sets back in his hometown in Israel; so he randomly brings one to the club last week, and it's GORGEOUS. We have no idea what this is, where its from, how old etc., does anyone have any clue? We played an amazing game with it.

Boogalicious wrote:

Officially proven that chess can make you drunk. :D

tmkroll wrote:

also before someone else does it:

These people are chess sets.

Aw man, they didn't even fight to the death like in Battlechess?

Personally I prefer the scene in History of the World Part I.


Nice thread


Also, i've been all over google image and some chess stores' sites, trying to place what the heck this is...sitting on the counter at my local Salvation Army, in a strong, gorgeous box - $99.99


It certaintly looks very similar to many of the metal sets from this link, but this thing was clearly a few decades old, with a very subtle patina on the pieces. (not sure why, but this link only seems to work if you highlight the whole thing and right-click, open in new tab)!product/MS028BIT/Classic-French-Brass-Chess-Set

Boogalicious wrote:

This chess set was free and I like its quality very much.

