
What is your Chess Personality?


Hikaru Nakamura


Find out with me; this is my video from 3 months ago when I took this quiz (quiz link also in my video description for those who keep asking for the link on where to take the quiz).


I admit that something like cosmic wizard or something fantastic denomination would be nice result to me. . . But I feel good being Machine (settings_settings)




I've gotten assassin/swindler. They're the same except for the studiousness, swindler is just the "lol play for fun" variant. Which yes ... I can't claim to studiosity when I sometimes resign after 1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 to avoid a boring London game. Or just yeet 2. f5 as black against any e4 opening.

I must be pretty agressive, so it's intersting playing the guys who are REALLY aggro, the guys who bring out the Queen on move 2 and can be relied on to make any capture/threat even if it's pretty pointless. I struggled, but I've adapted: I just have to anticipate their (usually predictable) moves and keep a counterpunch ready, or play hypermodern and roll with the haymakers. Kinda fun now but it bothered me before that I couldn't execute GOOD attacking ideas because of their constant barrage of STUPID attacks I would have to deal with.


How brilliant :brilliant :brilliant :brilliant :brilliant :brilliant :brilliant :brilliant



KeSetoKaiba wrote:

Find out with me; this is my video from 3 months ago when I took this quiz (quiz link also in my video description for those who keep asking for the link on where to take the quiz).

Love the video @KeSetoKaiba thank you for sharing!

HernanCacciatore1 wrote:

But I feel good being Machine (settings_settings)

lol that's a nice robot face you made there! tongue.png

BraestolBrock wrote:

I've gotten assassin/swindler. They're the same except for the studiousness, swindler is just the "lol play for fun" variant. Which yes ... I can't claim to studiosity when I sometimes resign after 1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 to avoid a boring London game. Or just yeet 2. f5 as black against any e4 opening.

I must be pretty agressive, so it's intersting playing the guys who are REALLY aggro, the guys who bring out the Queen on move 2 and can be relied on to make any capture/threat even if it's pretty pointless. I struggled, but I've adapted: I just have to anticipate their (usually predictable) moves and keep a counterpunch ready, or play hypermodern and roll with the haymakers. Kinda fun now but it bothered me before that I couldn't execute GOOD attacking ideas because of their constant barrage of STUPID attacks I would have to deal with.

That makes a lot of sense @BraestolBrock indeed if you're aggro these two styles fit well in!


Thanks Wind


Master Mind