
what is the best book about learning proper endgame technique


well its should not be too basic, noe endless king and pawn against king.. and not too much about philidor and lucena position, maybe a quick reminder... well it should cover in good explanation opposition, but the more difficult stuff and explain pretty good the fields to which to the opponent king is not allowed and why. 


The best starting book on end games is How to Play the Chess Endings by Eugene Znosko-Borovsky.  However It is in descriptive notation and expensive to buy new.  I think it may be available as an e-book.


silmans complete endgame manual covers endings by rating i think its from 1000 - 1200, 1200 - 1400 and so on, I cant vouch for the quality however I do own the book but as yet have not started it


if you want to learn strategic endgames and not theoretical ones i would recommend grandmaster secrets endings or shereshevkys endgame strategy

if you want to learn ''basic'' theoretical endgames then go with silmans complete endgame course

and if you are a hardcore fan of the endgame and want to learn almost every theoretical endgame there is dvoretskys endgame manual is for you.


You can down load the Znosko-Borovsky book in pdf format for free

prr98 wrote:

if you want to learn strategic endgames and not theoretical ones i would recommend grandmaster secrets endings or shereshevkys endgame strategy

if you want to learn ''basic'' theoretical endgames then go with silmans complete endgame course

and if you are a hardcore fan of the endgame and want to learn almost every theoretical endgame there is dvoretskys endgame manual is for you.

what you mean about strategical endgames?? i mean i want to get the knowledge to solve the more difficult endgames on my own.. i still have a bit problems with harder kind of opposition, im still dont know the formula on wich square you cant let the opponent come to.. i dont know wich book is best for that


ok i got it now thanks a lot


no problem Smile


just being  funny,it  teaches  you  more , try  the book  of  experience


Paul Keres's Practical Chess Endings is pretty readable and covers the most common endings.  Also John Nunn's Understanding Chess Endgames covers a lot of the basics.


I would also recommend Max Euwe: A guide to chess endings.

But for those who love endgames, there are two very important giant names in the chess history one should not miss:


Practical Chess Endings by Irving Chernev

Practical Chess Endings by Paul Keres

A Guide to Chess Endings by Dr Euwe

1234 Modern End-Game Studies by M.A. Sutherland & H.M. Lommer (not a textbook, but you can learn a lot from it anyway)




Spend about a year with Silman, and then the rest of your life with Dvoretsky's, and you'll be hell on walnut.