
can i play some kind of stonewall if white starts with e4?


hi there. just started to play chess again after too many years. when i was a teenager, i was kinds fond of stonewall. if i was white i always started with d4. the problem was when i was black and white started with e4. as far as i knew, in these cases there was no chance to play stonewall.

in such situations, has someone developed any idea on how perhaps i could apply some version of stonewall? thank you


ps. i have started refreshing my memory about stonewall, and i am pretty sure i am back to it 100%. if someone has any usefull thread i should read about it, please do share. thank you


I think Stone Wall setups are c3,f4,e3,d4 and vice versa for black.. so i don't think so since I don't recall e4 in that...


I suppose you mean a structure with e5, d6 and c5.  The short answer is no, none of the major openings for white will allow you to play this kind of setup since white will usually try to get in d4 fairly early, and the only way to prevent this is usually to play Nc6 at some point which blocks the c-pawn.


No you can't. You can only play this against d4 or flank openings.


I guess you're right... my bad


It's good to familiarize yourself with different positions in any level, try different openings!


ok you were very clear thank you guys. ill surely study more openings especially those that white starts with e4. cheers