
Chess Opening variation I made


well, it seems that there is quite a nasty weakness on d5.  in a similar manner as the sicillian maroczy bind, white can play c4 and then maybe Nb1-c3-d5.  I wonder white is putting their queen on e3, I think I more likely approach would be to go back to d1 in order to not block either of the bishops.  also d6 probably doesnt prevent e5.  In fact, after f4 it could bequite advantageous to go ahead and push e5.  maybe after castling and seizing tender d-file with a rook.  In my opinion black probably has better resources than this.  it is definitely good to explore new variations though, you could find the next great novelty!


The opening up to 4.Nxd4 is a standard scotch game, played quite often at super-GM level. 4...Nxd4!? is very unusual and maybe slightly dubious, but probably playable after all. The problem is that after 5.Qxd4 the "exposed queen" is not exposed at all, since B has not a good way to attack it. In fact the queen is very well placed on a powerful central square. The best way to continue is not 5...c5?!,a bad move wich just creates pawn weaknesses without archieving much. Rather than playing e4-e5, white will then place a strong knight on the wonderful d5 outpost and mantain a persistent edge. W has a persistent statical advantage and is not interested in changing the pawn structure. 


Its best not to exchange Knights white queen dominates the board play the book line 4) Bc5. Or as has been suggested g6 which is more passive but has no weakness.