
How to attack Caro kan


How to attack this opening a way to get more advantage


en general podrias elegir entre el ataque panov y la variante de avance ya que es bien salido que en las variantes clasicas aunque blancas juegan comodamente las negras se defienden bien. Estas 2 variantes son mas "invasivas" e intentan conseguir ventaja a la fuerza mientras la variante clasica no. 

Escribo en español xq mi ingles es muy malo.


well, the more agressive openings with white is the advance variation and panov attack this is because in the other variations black can have a solid defense.




I like the main lines for White best, and I have played both sides of the Caro for most of my chess tournament career.


As a frequent Caro-Kann player, the advance often gives me issues. I usually employ the Classical 3.Nc3, but Panov-Botvinnik is another approach. It certainly makes the game more open :)


If you are an attacking player I recommend this line:


There is a very good line for white with 2 d3 and 3 Nd2.
Difficult to play, but much more difficult to play again.
It's maybe not as agressive as the Panov or some lines in the advance variation, but your opponent won't know the line, and the positions are quite different from others variation (basicaly black has a space advantage and center and white tries to destroy him with pawn breaks), so your opponent will probably be unconfortable.


Here's a link to a very dangerous line: I've tried it once in a competitive game; my opponent played the line with 4...h6 and 5...Bh7?!, which is natural but quite unpleasant and I had an easy win.


I'm surprised noone's recommeneded the Fantasy yet.