
Is Nxc3 a bad move?? I find it as a loss of time from black what do you think?


Why not look over some master games?

moonnie wrote:

because e6 is perhaps the worst logical move in the position inviting al sort of nasty stuff over the dark squares ? 

hw can white exploit dark squares after the move e6 can you make it more clear by putting some kind of position or write dwn some possible moves? it would be great to knw it if it really happens.

Scottrf wrote:

Why not look over some master games?

exactly this is my main point after going thorugh a game by GM Akobian i found this idea tht taking on c3 without forcing white playing the move e4 is simply bad idea and a strategical mistake sir..:)

johnsmithson wrote:

and btw - I think e6 is a crappy move.  White just develops normally and black has to figure out some plan for developing the light square bishop which is just not really easy.  I don't really see the dark square weakness problem so much but you could get yourself there as black if you aren't careful.

moves like b6-c5 Nc6 Bb7 thn black gets full control of d4 square and this was the best way to continue after e6 and i like black's position nw more than white .


For me it's Grünfeld with g3-Bg2. Can you please post that Akobian's game?

Yeah, in this variation 6...Bg7 is called Smyslow variation.


What is not to like about blacks completly passive position with 0 prospects  ?Cry

MSC157 wrote:

For me it's Grünfeld with g3-Bg2. Can you please post that Akobian's game?

Yeah, in this variation 6...Bg7 is called Smyslow variation.

go through this video a lecture by GM Akobian himself and in a similar position he tells that if his opponent takes on c3 it is questionable..go through it plz.

Scottrf wrote:

Why we can't understand? Surely trolling?


You realise that everyone that has commented is a higher rated player? Black isn't behind in development and has play against the centre.

Yea because being 2000 on the internet actually means something. LOL


Ontopic: I think it is slightly strange to try for a g6-d5 set up against an early g3 by white. To me it is more sound to go for this g6 d5 after white plays c4 d4 Nc3


Lol, you so funny.


Care to explain your mangled reasoning instead of posting the one-liners you have found using google.


The position in the game of abkobion is very different. 

1) your bishop is on g2 and thus cannot easily come to d3 what would be a be a nice square. 

2) Black also played his bishop to g7 (and consequesntly his pawn to g6) there is no pressure against h6 (please not that playing g6 in the akobian video is a lot worse due to the fact that the darksquared bishop is already on e7

3) The central structure is completly different. The plan with c4 suggested by akobian is very hard here because black will play c5 and on a move like c4 he will take on d4 and get pressure against d4 (because there is no pawn on d5)

@Insantitsis: This setup is often used by grunfeld players against english setups because Bg2 systems hardly give white advantage in the grunfeld. 

Insanistis wrote:

Ontopic: I think it is slightly strange to try for a g6-d5 set up against an early g3 by white. To me it is more sound to go for this g6 d5 after white plays c4 d4 Nc3

yeah, i agree. i also don't really believe in this "english grunfeld" or whatever you want to call it.

i realize it has been played by a bunch of grandmasters, but it's just not anywhere near as fun as the actual grunfeld. nothing like "interesting positions" in this line, just pain.

johnsmithson wrote:

You have to be really careful playing like that.  It's clear that you are a better strategic chess player than everyone here, but black is behind in development and playing c5, Bg7 after e6 for some imagined center control runs into Ba3 and now black has a heck of a time getting his king out of the center.  If black plays normally and white plays normally after your e6, then white can expect a pretty sizaable opening advantage because black can't develop as easily.  It's nothing crushing and I have lost tons of games with an advantage like white has, but it is surely not good for black.

to avoid Ba3 black can play frst Bg7 thn 0-0 as white has to play b3 thn Ba3 and thn with the same ideas like b6 -c5 are good for black


I do not see anything wrong with it. As a grunfeld player (generally a player that wants counter play and room for his pieces) what would you suggest ? 

moonnie wrote:

The position in the game of abkobion is very different. 

1) your bishop is on g2 and thus cannot easily come to d3 what would be a be a nice square. 

2) Black also played his bishop to g7 (and consequesntly his pawn to g6) there is no pressure against h6 (please not that playing g6 in the akobian video is a lot worse due to the fact that the darksquared bishop is already on e7

3) The central structure is completly different. The plan with c4 suggested by akobian is very hard here because black will play c5 and on a move like c4 he will take on d4 and get pressure against d4 (because there is no pawn on d5)

@Insantitsis: This setup is often used by grunfeld players against english setups because Bg2 systems hardly give white advantage in the grunfeld. 

u didnt hear his words clearly if black takes on c3 thn it is questionable as black Knight comes all the way from g8 to capture the Knight on c3 which only moved once so it is a loss of time and you will understand it aftr you analyze few Petrosian games..:)



I think you are right. I thought there should been a difference that white didn't played d4 or e4 yet, but as you explained earlier e3 is just a waste of air. And d4 is just somewhat forced to play if you ever want to make any progress.


my feel is that white can just delay d4 indefinitely. Rb1, Nf3, O-O, maybe Qa4... of course black has no immediate problems, but white has some nagging pressure.

moonnie wrote:

I do not see anything wrong with it. As a grunfeld player (generally a player that wants counter play and room for his pieces) what would you suggest ? 

see i belive in the most logical play as a good chess player you should have an idea before making a move if your move makes any sense may be right or wrong you have the right to play it , if it is wrong you go back to ur home and reassess your idea and just  making yourself a player of just one type like grunfeld will make you belive mistakes like Nxc3 here is the right move .


Perhaps it is something for white to try and delay the moves d4 or e4 as long as possible. Might get something like this on the board: