
Is this shocking sacrifice sound?


I was shocked myself when I saw the least likely player in the world to sac- Computer 4 Impossible!


That's a heck of a lot of activity for the piece.  I don't know if it's completely sound...but I don't think it's something anyone would want to refute over the board.  9 Nc3 might have helped.  Honestly though I wouldn't have played e4, but rather e3.  After e4 you have major dark square weaknesses that were necessary for black's attack to work.  Without that bishop this attack loses a lot of momentum.  So positionally I think that the sacrifice was at the very least principled, since you have weak dark squares and an uncastled king, and the computer gets to plop a centralized queen on top of it.  Your pieces are paralyzed.


Computer analysis after 8. Nf3 gives an advantage for white.


If it shocks you it most likely isn't sound.