
Other names for Scholar's Mate and Herkomst Herdersmat


Everybody knows the Fool's Mate or Scholar's Mate, and I am curious to learn the other, different names for this opening in various languages ( plus English translation please).

In the Netherlands we name it the Herdersmat, or Shepherd's Mate, I am searching for the origin or source for years already, but could not find it; perhaps a DUTCHMAN can help me !

How do they call it in Flemish or South-African Dutch ?

I hope tens of names will be brought out !     Thanks !


Scholar's Mate has been mistakenly callled Fool's Mate, but they are two different openings.


Yeah, I think "Fool's Mate" is what the Dutch call "Narrenmat".


Herdersmat/Scholar's mate:


If I understand correctly it's also called Herdersmat if the move order is different or black even plays other moves, as long as the mate is done by Qf7 supported by Bc4


Fool's Mate/Narrenmat(?):

Move order doesn't matter for either Fool's Mate or Scholar's Mate.


Edward Winter (Chess Notes 7986) mentions the Oxford English Dictionary as finding Fool's Mate in a text of 1618. J. Barbier, Saul's Famous Game Chesse-play.