
Picking up the Sicilian Najdorf. Can anyone list some variations?


My teacher told me to pick up the Najdorf and to do some pre studying. So far i know i wont always get the open sicilian so ive studied for some of the main non open lines for instance, Grand prix attack, 2. c3 sicilian, and a few other 2.Nc3 closed side lines. What other non open sicilian lines do i have to study that are fairly common? As for Najdorf itself ive done some extensive studying into the Old mainline of 6.Bg5 and the English attack.Oh ive also studied the morra. What lines am i missing? 


For c3 sicilian I recommend the classical 2..nf6, since you can use this against a smith morra as well by transposition (1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 4.nf6)

Grand Prix, closed and Rossolimo, I play the fianchetto variation against

2.f4 I play the tal gambit

I feel as though I missed something :/


BTW, did your teacher give you a reason to why he thinks you should pick up the najdorf?


Yep, Metaknight's got my vote.


I like 2 play the Najdorf. I'm just trying to make natural moves and to follow the most popular moves on the Opening Explorer when possible. I'm trying to learn by experience rather than memorization. Don't know if this is the best approach but I figure my opponents know less about it than I do.


Unfortunately, when it comes to the Najdorf there's so much more that they can know (and so many quick ways that you might have to pay the price).


Because im addicted to opening study. I love it i absolutely love love the memorization of openings. And i want an opening tha ti can try really hard for an advantage. Sicilian is known to play for a win. 


Memorizing isn't gonna do you much good though (once you get out of the book).


odd thing for a teacher to say, but i guess if youre that into it then w/e. you'll improve more doing what you find fun a lot than doing a little bit of what others think you shoul do


Does the Sicilian try harder for an advantage then 1...e5? is i tmor eor less theory


more or less


Well, of course White has a lot of possibilities against 1... e5.  But you're often walking the precipice in the Najdorf, and it can get a bit daunting when you're starting out (not to mention depressing).  It's why I've never quite managed to make the switch to 1... c5.

Still, frank124c's comment does have a lot of truth to it:  "Don't know if this is the best approach but I figure my opponents know less about it than I do."


I love the Najdorf, and I reckon I'm around 1700 OTB.

I think it's really, really good at teaching you a lot of positional concepts and improve your strategic understanding.

It's hard to play I agree, and in fact no other opening has so many chances to backfire. While I was learning it I got so many losses even against people that didn't know theory, just played natural moves!


But I'm playing chess to learn the game and improve in the long run, not minding the immediate results. With this mentality the Najdorf is an excellent choice in my opinion.


After reading the comments on the Najdorf here, I think it would be cool for a staff member or resident master to create a new video series on the Najdorf aimed specifically for intermediate players.


+ you should always keep in mind that "those who don't know, teach."


the 5.f3 anti-najdorf as well if you are still intent on studying the najdorf.


The 5.Bc4 Fisher soizen and the 5.Be2 are other common attempts. Others can be 5.h3, f3, a4, f4 and g3 lines. Other Anti Sicilian lines are the moscow (e4 c5 Nf3 d6 Bb5+) and KIA setups


Sicilian Najdorf, this is the main line


lol at #22 ("the main line")


Bg5 is out of style now, anyways. I'm a dragon player, but I went through a phase of playing the najdorf. After getting crushed by my coach in that line like 20 times in a row without even putting up a fight, I gave it up. I prefer the dragon, where the plans are more clear.