
please help me slay the najdorf scicilian


please is there anyone who can help me to slay the najdorf sicilian .help me in a form of comment


You slay the dragon, not the Najdorf.

Read one of the many articles posted on this site or go find a book about it.


thank you


Throw the entire bank at the king. That's the only way to slay them, provided you're playing the najdorf or dragon and are not asking for any anti-sicilians. Open sicilians are way more fun than any of them anti-sicilians anyday, including the Morra, which has never been much fun for me as white, hence why I dropped it.


wait in 2008 in world chess chapionship vishvanathan anand contered and destroyed najdof sicilian .how?


He played an early h5 with black, but he's Anand so he's better than any of us on our best day. What he can get away with is different to what we can. If we just play h5 like he did we might get slaughtered because we just copy his move and don't understand all the plans behind it.

lolurspammed ratings are deflated js


we were disscusing on najdofrf?


no offense but opening variations at rating 1100 isn't that important. Lets say you get a superior position after studying the najdorf for months. It is very likely that you will blunder it away because at rating 1100 what is important is learning tactics.

You have to analyze your games to find out why you lose. Then you train that part. After a while you will find it is something else that makes you lose then you train that part.

What you are trying to do is train something that isn't the reason you lose... yet. We all have strong and weak play. Often we tend to forget to get rid of the weak play because it is painful to look at. Good luck!


thank you


deleted cause it was wrong


If GMs contend both sides of this opening, why do you think asking a bunch of random people on a chess site will provide the definitive answer to your problem? At best you can learn some lines that get you into the middlegame--where you will start to go astray. 


thank you for your help

Veganomnomnom wrote:

I think you meant 'inflated'

No, I mean deflated. Especially standard ratings and online chess ratings. For example my OTB rating is 300 points higher than my live standard rating, and people in my state have Online Chess ratings much lower than their OTB ratings. Masters with 1900-2100 Online ratings on average, and some 1700-1800 players I know that pretty much all have 1500ish ratings here, some 1600.


Well I'm somewhat inconsistent and I can't say that I'm that focused on my games on here as much, because i often go tab to tab and chat while I play etc. while OTB im focused, even though I often still play badly. 


I've been bouncing around 1570-1730 for quite a while, I haven't had any improvement the past year and a half and the only reason im up to 1753 is because I had a good last tournament when I beat 2 people 1700+ and 2 people 1900-2000 rated and only lost to 3 people that were either over 2000 or close to it..but knowing me I'll be back to 1600 soon xD


i am playing a game on najdorf sicilian make your bets that who will win