
The New Frontier


Chess Openings have seem to have evolved ever outward with the pawn moves. In the beginning openings started with the center pawns 1.e4 and 1.d4. The next
pawn openings were the c and f pawns. More recently the g pawns and the b pawns were explored as a first move or as an early move in the opening . And recently I have seen evidence of a and h pawn moves being played in the early
openings.The a and h pawn moves early in the opening are really the new frontier
in chess opening theory.

An example of this is the Budapest Defense (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e5), where Black plays
an early a5 in the opening and does a rook lift with the QR. This QR is moved
all the way over to the kingside to assist in the kingside castled position. In
the book called "101 Chess Opening Surprises" by Graham Burgess there is a
defense called the Bulgarian Defense which has the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 and now Black plays a5 and later plays Na7 chasing the White B. Also in the Ruy Lopez there is the Birds Defense which goes 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 and Black plays Nd4 which is the Birds Defense. The latest theory on this opening is the move h5 which supports Blacks kingside attack on the White kingside castled

I therefore propose a new gambit with the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 h5 sacrificing the
e pawn. If White plays 3.Nxe5 then I play 3...Nc6 and if White plays 4.Nxc6 then
we have an Omega Gambit type of position where the other side has exchanged off his KN , thereby weaking his kingside position. Black then proceeds to
castle Queenside and has the Rook lift with R lift with Rh6 to assist in the
attack on the kingside castled position.

This would have to be tested in blitz games and in chess engine tournaments to
see whether it is playable or not.

Best Regards


The essence of a gambit is that the gambitteer sacrifices material for tempi giving him initiative. In the gambit u propose you give away a tempo by playing h5. In the position resulting after 4.Nxc6 you get a position where white still has his starting initiative combined with him having an extra pawn.


I think this looks interesting and playable...


I believe you are right. It definitely looks playable. I will look at it further with
a chess engine tournament between 4 chess engines.

Is this a game in progress or is it just analysis?

Best Regards


That was just a quick analysis of one possible way to go. I might give it a try next game I have Smile


Yeah, that's true isn't it ajedrecito...

Perhaps something like this?


Corrected again - thanksSmile


Here's a sketch, inspired by the OP's idea. What do you guys think? 


Actually I tested the opening 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 h5 against my chess engine Firefly 2330 and it showed why the opening was bad in some test games. Not all of my creations turn up a gold. Some are lemons. However there is a Hungarian Master
2300+ who does play openings with h4, a4, h5 or a5 and his name is Kadas. And I still believe that the h pawn and a pawn openings are the last frontier in chess openings.

Best Regards


I have played it a few times.  You should take the pawn, otherwise you might get in trouble.